Free Voluntary Home Inspection Program
Most fires occur in the home. Is your home fire safe?
Windsor Fire and Rescue Services can help!
Knowledgeable fire crews will offer advice to residents on how to prevent home fires. They will also ensure that proper detection is in place and finally discuss the importance of escape planning should a fire break out in your home.
A voluntary home inspection will include education and advice on Ontario Fire Code smoke alarm requirements including proper installation and maintenance, escape planning information, advice on safe use of candles, proper storage of matches and lighters, flammable and combustible liquid storage and electrical safety.
Free Wellness Checks
This feature of the program is for individuals who would like to receive a friendly visit from neighbouring fire crews. Individuals who sign up for this program will receive a check from neighbouring fire crews on their wellbeing on a quarterly basis. Fire crews out in the neighbourhood will stop in to verify the wellbeing of the individual.
Lock Boxes
Resident homeowners can purchase a lock box to allow Windsor Fire and Rescue Services fire crews access to their home if required. Crews checking on the wellbeing of an individual will be able to gain entrance via the key in the lock box without causing damage to the home.
Note: The purpose of this program is to assist home owners in identifying potential fire hazards within their home so that they may prevent an emergency from occurring. This program is not designed to enforce the Ontario Fire Code or Ontario Building Code, thus it is not intended to be punitive in nature but rather proactive in preventing fires through education.
If you are interested in more information or to sign up for any or all of these features of the COPE program please call us at 519-253-6573.
We provide peace of mind to residents and their families. If a fire or injury can be prevented we have achieved our goal.