The Open Air Burning By-law regulates open air burning within the City of Windsor, establishing which type of outdoor fires are allowed and a procedure for obtaining an open air burning permit.  Visit the City of Windsor’s By-laws Online webpage to view the Open Air Burning By-law.

For any open air burning, other than those exceptions established within the By-law, citizens must apply and obtain a permit from Windsor Fire & Rescue Services. In reviewing applications, Windsor Fire & Rescue Services may refuse to issue a permit if the application is incomplete or if there are reasonable grounds to believe the open air burning may be adverse to public safety or would result in the violation of existing laws. A fee will be charged as part of the application to reflect the costs of evaluating the permit applications.

How to apply:


Submit the application to A Fire Prevention Officer will review the application.

If required, a Fire Prevention Officer will complete a site inspection. The Open Air Burning Permit Application Fee/Service will be processed in-person prior to the site visit, if required.  Visit the City of Windsor’s By-laws Online webpage to view the Fees & Charges By-law 392-2002 for the most up to date user fees. Effective February 2025, the application fee is $197.75 ($175.00 plus HST)

If approved, the Fire Prevention Division will issue the Open Air Burning Permit.

In cases where a citizen’s application is denied or a citizen fails to request an Open Air Burning Permit but chooses to “burn”, City Council has approved a cost recovery charge to be imposed as per the Ministry of Transportation rate for failure to Obtain Open Air Burning Permit. The fee includes cost per hour, per piece of apparatus (minimum one hour fee) plus consumable inventory and 10% administration charge. The MTO rate is updated annually, as of February 2025 it is $570.50 per hour.  Visit the City of Windsor’s By-laws Online webpage to view the Fees & Charges By-law 392-2002 for the most up to date user fees.

The use of appliances designed for outdoor cooking such as a gas fired, propane, or charcoal barbecues is allowed. Residents are reminded to remain near their barbecue when cooking and to keep barbecues a safe distance away from homes and other combustible materials.  Some appliances, approved by TSSA and CSA that are propane or natural gas only and are not being used for cooking purposes are considered to be approved for use.

Click here for examples of approved outdoor cooking appliances and non-approved devices.

For further information residents can contact the Fire Prevention Division at 519-253-6573.