The Training Division consists of the Chief Training Officer, 3 Training Officers and a Training Clerk. This division is involved in almost all facets of the organization, in a cooperative effort with all other divisions to meet the goals and objectives identified in our strategic plan. The Training Division is tasked with the development and facilitation of the necessary training curriculum required by all firefighters and staff, to ensure safe, efficient and professional delivery of emergency services to our community, with an emphasis on safety and customer satisfaction. We strive to assist in promoting a caring, respectful, diverse and environmentally sound organization in an effort to provide our community with the best possible service available.

The Training Division is responsible for the 11-week recruit training program and subsequent 3-year probationary to 1st class firefighter promotional process.
This division also researches and implements special training programs and procedures, designed to increase firefighter survivability and hazard zone safety for both firefighters and civilians due to the ever changing fire dynamics and building construction techniques prevalent in today’s North American communities. This includes responding to all upgraded working fires, operating in the hazard zone and filling the command staff position of Incident Safety Officer.
These personnel instruct and track training related incident command, accountability procedures and co-ordinate guidelines for various disciplines within our service. Not only do they train and develop recruits, but they are also responsible for training all candidates for promotion to officer’s ranks. Additional duties include, but are not limited to coordinating the training activities of numerous specialty instructors within the Department who provide specialized training in the areas of hazardous materials response, first aid and CPR, semi-automatic defibrillation, auto extrication, rapid intervention, and land based water rescue. They maintain records to ensure all training is current and compliant with relevant existing legislation, as an adequate training and development program is a mandatory requirement for all fire departments under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act.
For information about how to become a Windsor Firefighter follow this link to the Firefighter Recruitment Page within the Human Resources section of the City of Windsor’s Web Site.
Mobile Live Fire Training Unit
The MLFTU was purchased in a partnership between Windsor Fire & Rescue Services, Amherstburg Fire, Lakeshore Fire and St. Clair College.
The Drager Mobile Live Fire Training Unit is a 53 foot, multipurpose training vehicle designed for versatility of training and ease of transport. It is equipped with an on-board generator and a supply of propane cylinders. A second story can be hydraulically raised during operation and lowered for transport.
Fire Ground Survival Unit
The FGS trailer was purchased in 2023. This trailer and training program ensures firefighters are trained to perform potentially life-saving actions if they become lost, disoriented, injured, low on air or trapped.
Firefighter fatality data has shown that firefighters “becoming trapped and disoriented represent the largest portion of structural fire ground fatalities” (IAFF). There is no other call more challenging to fire ground operations than the moment when firefighters’ personal safety is in imminent danger.